Ultimate Backwards Child Birthday Party Games

Below you’re going to find some Ultimate Child Birthday Party Games for your child’s Backward Theme.

This list of games is growing everyday, so check back often. Or if you figure out a new "Batman" themed game, please send it in so we can share it with the rest of the world.

Before we get started I have listed a few survival tips to help your party run smoother:

First, make sure you select games you think your child will love and pick some back-ups, just in case. Next, setup a schedule of events before the party on which games will be played, what order and a time limit. Finally, don’t forget the “fun” factor in the party. Not every child is going to win every event, so make sure each event is designed to be “fun”, “loud” and “enjoyable”.

Hopefully these tips will help reduce your party stress and allow you to enjoy the party. So have fun at the Ultimate Party!

Oh yeah, don’t forget the camera!!!

And don't forget to submit your best Backwards Child Birthday Party Games idea for a chance at winning some GREAT prizes!!!

-- Ultimate Backwards Child Birthday Games --

* Backwards Charades: Tape a paper to each of the child’s back with some kind of action or activity written on it. A child would turn around so the rest of the guests could read what was written on the paper. Then the guests would get together and act it out – either individually, in small groups, or in one large group, and the girl would have to guess what they are doing. For example, you could have riding a roller coaster, eating food, going through a car wash, stick your head out of a sunroof, riding on an airplane, etc.

-- Ultimate Backwards Child Birthday Games --

* Pin the Donkey on the Tail: Hang up a poster board with several tails drawn on it and hand out small donkeys to each child. The goal is to try and pin their donkey onto one of the tails, blindfolded. The closest donkey wins!

-- Ultimate Backwards Child Birthday Party Games --

* Backwards Musical Chairs: Setup the chairs for one less than the number of players. Once the music stops everyone must sit down, even if a player has to sit on someone’s lap. Then remove a chair but all players remain and start the music again. Continue until there is only one chair left. The kids will have a blast playing this game because everyone wins!

-- Ultimate Backwards Child Birthday Party Games --

* Backwards Freeze Dance: This game is simply the opposite of Freeze Dance. You must freeze when the music is playing and dance when the music is playing.

-- Ultimate Backwards Child Birthday Party Games --

* Dress Up Race: Separate the guests into two groups. Each child must run to a pile of clothing and put on a piece of clothing “backwards”. Continue until each child has put on one article of clothing backwards. First team to complete the task wins!

-- Ultimate Backwards Child Birthday Party Games --

* Scavenger Hunt: Give each child a list of items they need to obtain in order to win the game. That doesn’t sound hard, but make the clues backwards. That way each child must decipher the clues before they can search for the items. Lots of fun!

-- Ultimate Backwards Child Birthday Party Games --

* Balloon Burst: Instead of breaking a piñata, fill up some balloons with small pieces of candy. Let the kids go wild and try to break as many balloons as they can.

-- Ultimate Backwards Child Birthday Party Games --

* Guessing Game: Fill up a jar with either loose change, gum balls, candy, etc. and have each child as they arrive guess how much is in the jar. The guest who is farthest from the actual number wins! Don’t let anyone know beforehand so they will try and guess the number right.

-- Ultimate Backwards Child Birthday Party Games --

* Blindfolded Cake Eating: Start by having the guests find a partner. Have one partner sit directly behind the other. The partner in back has to feed the partner in front a piece of cake. The trick is the partner in back is blindfolded and the partner in front can’t use their hands. This game is hilarious and guaranteed to be loads of fun.

-- Ultimate Backwards Child Birthday Party Games --

*Un-hot Potato: The idea behind this game is to be holding the potato when the music stops. Whoever is holding the potato when the music stops gets to go into the winners circle and pick a prize. Continue until everyone has picked a prize.